The Power of Balance
We have been sold a myth: that good, successful leaders are fiercely competitive battlers. The aggressive combative leaders we have been taught to admire actually hold a deep seated anxiety that they and their world have a profoundly unbalanced power relationship. That their world is an actual or potential threat. Drawing from his book “How successful leaders do business with their world”, as well as conversations with top leaders, author and coach-mentor Stephen Barden argues that truly successful leaders, those who act on behalf of their entire constituencies, have learned that they and their worlds are partners with a manageable power balance. That their power lies in that balance. (Theme music: "Celtic Spirit" by Julius H. from Pixabay)
The Power of Balance
The Great Divide
As a species we are probably the most aggressive, destructive and divisive that have ever walked this earth. We have destroyed countless other species, including human species. We have enslaved - and enslave. We discriminate against anything and anyone who is different from what we consider to be "our norm".
In our daily lives, we inevitably catch ourselves being almost intuitively divisive - whether by competing, envying, resenting, despising, mistrusting or excluding. Even the majority of our relationships are transactional - trading benefits rather than sharing fellowship.
Are we simply incorrigibly driven to achieve dominion - power - over our world? Or is there something else? In this episode, Stephen Barden proposes that it is fear that fragments us from one another. And that fear arises from an illusion that each of us clings to, as tightly as if it were life itself.
Your constructive comments are always welcomed
For more information about Stephen Barden and his work please visit:
www. stephenbarden.org